Early morning action aboard the EXTREMIST!!! Facebook
Capt. Javier was 5/10 on tarpon on this glassy morning aboard the EXTREMIST! Facebook
Early morning tarpon action right now aboard the EXTREMIST! Facebook
She cleans up just like new!!! The EXTREMIST ready to go!!! Facebook
Awesome to fish this morning with retired Navy Commander James Bowman this morning. We were 2/6 on baby tarpon and caught 1 snook aboard the EXTREMIST! Facebook
Peter caught 12 tarpon out of 20+ bites aboard the EXTREMIST this afteenoon!!! Facebook
Capt. Javier has caught 14 tarpon and countless snook the last 2 mornings aboard the EXTREMIST! Facebook
Great trip yesterday afternoon with Capt. Javier aboard the EXTREMIST! Facebook
Don with a nice tarpon caught this afternoon with Capt. Javier aboard the EXTREMIST!!! Facebook